CFA® Program Exam 101 (and Important Reminders!)

It’s the week before the exams! In this series of posts, we present the top revision tips from Wiley, our AB Maximus CFA® Program exam prep course partner.
Every year, many hopefuls end up failing their papers – contributing to the exams' infamous passing rates! With the help of our friends at Wiley, we've compiled 4 quick lists to run down on the day before the exam. Have you got everything ready?
1. Leave Home Early
You must do a screening before you can be seated. If you’re late, you’ll lose exam time.
2. Remember the Rules
Don’t get disqualified! Stop writing immediately once they call time.
Make sure your calculator is authorised.
Don't write on your admission ticket or calculator keystroke card.
3. Remember to Bring:
Admission ticket
Valid passport
Calculator, batteries and screwdriver
Pens/Pencils, Sharpeners
Erasers without paper cover
Watch (alarm and timer on silent)
4. Don't Bring In:
Pencil case
Passport cover
Calculator manual
Correction tape
Desk Clock
Books, loose paper
Cameras/phones/fitbits/smart watches
About the Author
Darren Degraaf, CFA, CPA, MBA, MAFM, PRM, is the revision expert in AB Maximus' CFA® Program exam prep course. He is currently adjunct professor of the Sauder School of Business in the University of British Columbia and director of Instructional Management for the Stalla Review for the CFA Exams Division of DeVry University. Before an international career in CFA® Program exam prep, he worked in HSBC for almost 20 years.